案件的勝算 常常見客戶問律師的一個問題: 這個案件勝算大嗎? 案件的勝算便是如果案件走到法院審訊那關, 法官究竟有多少機會判決我方的勝訴。 在法官作出判決之前,其實不斷也有不明朗因素的。從律師見客戶的一刻,只不過聽到客戶片面之詞,還有部分客戶提供的文件資料。因此,在這個時候要律師下一個定論究竟勝算多少,是太早的。 有律師守則律師如果認為訴訟沒有勝算,需要提醒客戶的,看Guide to Professional Conduct Volume 1 10.18 “A solicitor must inform his client if a proposed or continuing action […]
Importance of consistency and credibility in litigation
There are various stages in litigation: pleadings discovery witness statements and trial etc. In all of these named stages, there are always chances of inconsistency. […]
Hong Kong Litigation – Plaintiff
So previously we are focusing on being a Defendant. Now we go to the Plaintiff’s side. Steps of litigation – Plaintiff We’ll simply highlight the […]
Glance of civil litigation – Defendant
When you one day unfortunately receive a letter heading a law firm’s name, you may be in big panic, first by the wordy passage, and […]