There are various stages in litigation:

In all of these named stages, there are always chances of inconsistency.



Parties set out the material facts of the case and the party’s basic case will be revealed. These facts can be later supported by evidence in witness statement or documents in discovery. This document can be amended but may harm the credibility.

Relevant provision:


Parties disclose to the other side the documents they intend to rely on in the litigation, which support their cases in the pleadings. These are pieces of evidence which support the cases pleaded by the parties.

Relevant provision:

Witness statements

These documents are the basic structure of what the witnesses (could be and usually including the Plaintiff) would like to say in the trial. These are oral evidence and witnesses will need to swear under oath in the court to give the oral evidence.

Relevant provision:


The trial consists of the final stage where parties will make submissions in court and their witnesses will give evidence under oath. The court will the give a ruling called judgment on all the evidence adduced.

Consistency – Possible inconsistencies

Inconsistencies could happen any places in the above stages (or more). Examples would be:

  • Dates and time
  • The exact event happened in such dates and time
  • The sequence of the events
  • Between the oral and documentary evidence
  • Between different witnesses
  • Of logic or common sense

It would be the job of the solicitors to spot those issues and give proper advice.

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Wed Dec 1 , 2021
警察調查完畢後 – 刑事訴訟 當警察調查完決定落案起訴後,要上庭,會有什麼發生呢? 首先,第一庭通常是在裁判處,香港有數個裁判法院:港島的東區裁判法院、九龍的西九龍/九龍城/觀塘裁判法院、新界的屯門/粉嶺裁判法院等。 如果案件是較嚴重的,會有較重刑罰的,例如運毒、謀殺、強姦等等(視乎可面對的刑期),會被 裁判法院轉去區域法院/高等法院。 上第一庭的時候,通常法官會問會否答辯,即是否會表示認罪與不認罪。 很多時候被告第一庭也是會選擇不答辯而押後,向控方取文件/聽取法律意見 , 因為有案例是說如果選擇不認罪,之後在後期認罪,會得不到三分一扣減,所以一般不想太早表態。如果太早表態,之後想反悔,就有個刑期扣減的代價。如果不認罪/押後,法官便會定下下次回來的時間。 不認罪 - 刑事訴訟 如果選擇不認罪,則會之後排期審訊。視乎審訊的長度可能有審前覆核或沒有。法官都會在審之前詢問控方/辯方有多少證人,而且那些證人的作供的長度估算,會不會打口供自願性等等問題,以決定審訊的模式及長度。 正式審訊就會有陳詞、主問、盤問、覆問等環節。 刑事與民事的舉證責任不同。刑事是要毫無合理疑點下證明被告犯罪,因此控方所要花的功夫比較多,因為所有一連串控罪的元素都要證明,亦要以證人、完整證物鏈支持。 認罪 – 刑事訴訟 認罪的話,控罪及案情會讀出,亦會問被告人是否同意。如果完全同意後,則是求情。求情因素有很多這裡不一一敘述,不過會在另外一篇文章寫。敬請留意。 如有任何查詢歡迎填妥本站的表格並提供聯絡方法及任何文件。
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